Jordan Peyton
Year in School / Grade
4th Year
Kansas State University
Biological and Agricultural Systems Engineering
In 3-5 sentences, tell us about yourself.
Hello, my name is Jordan Peyton! I’m from Fort Worth, Texas. I enjoy doing puzzles in my free time. I like to binge watch Korean/Chinese dramas and mukbang channels on YouTube and Tik Tok. My passions include making education accessible, fighting food insecurity and advocating for diversity, equity and inclusion.
What are you most looking forward to about your year as governor?
I’m looking forward to making the Kansas District feel like a family!
Favorite CKI memory
My home chapter created an event called Memes and Muffins where we get together to hang out and play games. We started to play video games at our socials so now the title is Memes, Muffins and MMMMMVIDEO GAMES, and I think it’s very funny, but also I love hanging out with my K-STATE CKI friends!
Favorite service project
I love to do help clean up the highway with my chapter and our Kiwanis chapter! Once a semester we get together and clean up the highway together. It’s super fun because we compare all the weird things we pick up on the side of the road and share laughs. It’s a tradition that we get together before the cleanup to eat a homemade breakfast with Ron and Kristen Jackson at their home!