Name: Lauren Goodrich.
Preferred pronouns: She/her/hers.
District: Alabama.
University: University of Alabama.
Year in School: Junior.
Major(s): Creative media
Minor(s): International studies.
Tell us about yourself in three to five sentences. My name is Lauren Goodrich, and I am the incoming Alabama District governor! I am a junior at the University of Alabama majoring in creative media with a minor in international studies. I joined CKI in the fall of 2020 and have been heavily involved since, serving as my club’s socials chair, board director, vice president, and my district’s Service & Fundraising Committee chair. I love CKI and everything it stands for and am incredibly grateful for the connections I’ve made and for the ability to serve my community. CKI is my family!
Why did you join CKI? I joined CKI in my sophomore year because I wanted to join a service-based organization! During my freshman year, I wasn’t as involved, so after the lockdown ended, I wanted to become more involved around my campus and community. In high school, I had to do community service, and in doing so I found out how much I enjoyed serving my community and realized how important community service is. I found my club through social media and wanted to join because everyone was welcoming and kind, and I wanted to get involved around Tuscaloosa.
Why did you run for governor? I ran for governor because I wanted to serve on the district level and support my state, serve and lead the clubs in Alabama, be able to spread the CKI love even further through Alabama and many more reasons. In addition, I wanted to make connections with others in the CKI family around the country. UA Circle K and the Alabama District have given me so much, so it’s my turn to give back.
What is your favorite CKI memory? I can’t choose! My favorite memories have to be all the service events we’ve held. It’s so fulfilling to be able to do something for the community as well as get to know the CKI members around you. Longer service projects are the best for making friends!
What do you see yourself doing in 10 years? I’ll be honest, I have absolutely no clue what I see myself doing in 10 years! However, I hope that no matter what I am engaged in my community and helping to better the world in some way.
What is your favorite movie or TV show? This is a hard question! I’m more of a YouTube person, but if I HAD to choose it would probably be “Star Wars.” Specifically, “Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith.”
What is your favorite book? My favorite book(s) is the Harry Potter series. They’re absolutely legendary and really shaped my middle school years.
What is the best advice you have received? “Be so focused on your own growth that you don’t even consume yourself wondering how someone else is doing compared to you.” At our spring banquet my best friend and club president, Taylor, mentioned this in her speech, and I had to include it in this form because of how good this advice is. I personally struggle with anxiety and comparing myself to others, and I think everyone can relate to this advice.
What is something people might not know about you? I’ve been to 12 countries: Japan, Australia, England, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Iceland, Denmark and Sweden. I’ve been incredibly blessed to be able to travel the world, and these experiences have shaped me and my worldview.