Is your club ready to recruit? Click here for tips and tricks.

Kiwanis club leaders: 
Circle K International needs your help!

The Challenge: While the past two school years have impacted all of us in unique and profound ways, we recognize that schools’ faculty and staff have faced especially tough challenges.  At Kiwanis International, we appreciate the work that Kiwanis clubs do to support them — and we’re committed to helping you support them again during this crucial school year.  

We particularly value the members who serve as Kiwanis advisors to Circle K clubs. We look forward to an energized year of service in the 2021-22 school year.  

Kiwanis Club support of Circle K
A Circle K club is more successful when it’s sponsored by a local Kiwanis club. In each Kiwanis club that takes on the responsibilities of sponsorship, the incoming Kiwanis club should:   

  • Identify an individual or a committee to become the Kiwanis advisor(s). Have the club secretary enter their name(s) in the club portal for background check verification. for background check verification.

  • Maintain an expense line item in your budget and ensure all Circle K dues and fees are paid.

  • Ensure that Circle K club officers receive proper training and help them and members attend training opportunities beyond the club level.

  • Build a relationship with the Circle K club by attending its meetings and events, inviting its members to your meetings, and hosting or participating in joint activities. 

Kiwanis advisor to Circle K club
Your best resource is the complete advisor guide. Also, check out your Circle K club district website for announcements that your Circle K club and its members need to be aware of. Thanks for your service! 

Homecoming Webinar Recording: “Resources to help your SLP” –  Learn more about why we launched the Homecoming campaign — and about the helpful resources available online to help you reactivate or reengage your SLP clubs. We also introduce exciting new programming resources, such as monthly meeting kits, the Global Leadership Certificate program, Virtual Key Leader and advisor training.

Watch webinar recording.

Homecoming Webinar Recording: “Sponsoring a Kiwanis Service Leadership Program: Who, how and why.” – Hear from the Kiwanis Youth Programs board on the responsibilities specific to sponsoring SLP clubs. In addition, Kiwanis leaders in the field share reasons that students and participants love SLP programs — and how these programs benefit communities. Kiwanis Youth Program board members Paul Palazzolo, George Cadman, Donna Parton, Alexis Langerak and Karin Church offer their perspective on sponsoring SLPs, and Sue Petrisin, Les King, Kip Crain and Craig Crawford discuss the role of SLP in schools.

Watch webinar recording.

Additional resources for programs and promotion:
Sample letter to school administrators 
Sample letter for recruiting faculty advisors 

For more information, contact . 


Back to school. Back to service.