We’re celebrating CKI seniors and highlighting their proudest moments. Meet Annamarie McGuire of West Virginia University in the West Virginia District.
My proudest CKI moment would be a culmination of the work I have done as district secretary the past three years with the support of the West Virginia District Board. We started with only one club sometimes submitting its monthly report forms to all of our clubs submitting them! But honestly, nothing has made me prouder than the members of this organization and how everyone is so supportive. The amount of support that I have received in all aspects of my life from CKI members has been nothing but wonderful. CKI has three tenets: service, leadership and fellowship. I joined CKI for the service and leadership but stayed for the fellowship. The connections and friendships I’ve made from around the globe have made every moment in college amazing. I couldn’t be prouder of the servant leaders with whom I’ve had the honor to work alongside. I can’t wait to continue changing the world — one moment, one action and one project at a time.