
Amna Bajwa 


New York 

Year in school/grade 



City College of New York 




Management and administration 

In three to five sentences, tell us about yourself. 

I am an immigrant from Pakistan and I am passionate about ending the global water crisis. I am a firm believer in servant leadership. Nothing brings me more joy than helping people in whatever way I can. In my journey in CKI, I have made it my mission to empower our officers just like past leaders empowered me.  

What are you most looking forward to about your year as governor? 

Solidifying the foundation of the district board and focusing on accountability. Increasing the number of projects Circle K International members do with Kiwanians by sharing our skills in social media. Provide club officers with immediate training and tools that they can use to attract members in the coming fall and spring semester.  

Favorite CKI memory 

My first district event, New York Speaking, holds my favorite memory because that is where I fell in love with the people in Circle K International. This was my firstever weekend away from my family, and I was not friends with ANYONE in CKI. But all it took was one five-hour bus ride to our event location. And the next moment I was wearing face masks with my club, running around the hotel, trying to scare people. It really felt like I had known them for decades, and it hadn’t even been 24 hours.  

Favorite service project 

Our district’s largescale service project that we hold in the fall semester. This event is hosted at our New York District Kiwanis Foundation’s Kamp Kiwanis. Every year, roughly 200 of us clean the Kamp and help close it before winter so the Kamp will be up and running the following summer to serve children in need. I love this event so much because I get to see members from all over the district coming together and bonding, along with our Kiwanians interacting with CKI members. It’s an amazing bonding experience.