
Roberto Castillero 



Year in School / Grade 



Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá 


Industrial Engineering 

In 3-5 sentences, tell us about yourself. 

My first volunteering with CKI was in 2017, but I always had the strong ideal of serving others. I could show this ideal through my actions once I formally joined CKI and manifested it as well with my confidence, patience, proactiveness, logic and empathy. I’m 23 years old, and my favorite hobby is training in martial arts. 

What are you most looking forward to about your year as governor? 

I’d love the Panama District’s membership to grow, and I plan to achieve this growth by strengthening our existing clubs and/or opening a new one, so that our positive impact as a service organization in Panama can be greater and hence the name of Kiwanis and its noble labor can be spread to more college students. 

Favorite CKI memory 

Playing with children from the Divino Niño orphanage was my favorite memory. It’s become sort of mandatory for CKI clubs in Panama to pay a visit every year to this orphanage. We share laughs and have fun with each other at the playground of a small park in their neighborhood. In the end, we donated some food and saw them praying before having dinner, a view I still remember and treasure as well. 

Favorite service project 

My favorite is one of the last ones we did before the coronavirus pandemic: The installation of a drip irrigation system and use of hydrogel for a large number of tree saplings already planted in my community of Altos de Panamá. There have been attempts to plant trees in my community in the past, but due to the hot summer of Panama and lack of water most dried up; this is why we chose to be part of this project to guarantee that this time tree saplings endure.