Anna Traynham
Year in School / Grade
Kansas State University
Conflict analysis and trauma studies
In 3-5 sentences, tell us about yourself:
My name is Anna Traynham, and I have been a part of the Kiwanis family since I joined Key Club my freshman year of high school. My hobbies include art, longboarding and marching band. I love volunteering and being a part of CKI, and I am so excited to be governor of the Kansas District!
What are you most looking forward to about your year as governor?
I am excited to grow as a person in this leadership role and to help all the Kansas CKI chapters grow as well.
Favorite CKI memory:
One of my favorite CKI memories occurred at our city’s annual pancake feed/silent auction, where we helped make and serve breakfast for community residents who attended the auction. I ended up doing dishes for two hours with another CKI member while listening to music and having a lot of laughs. This CKI member came to be one of my really close friends, and we served as president and vice president of our chapter this past year.
Favorite service project:
My favorite service project is our annual highway cleanup event with the Manhattan-Solar Kiwanis Club. Every semester, we eat breakfast together and clean up trash along a mile-long stretch of the highway.