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Live to serve. Love to serve.

Service is our thing.

It’s not just something we do, it’s how we’re wired. That’s why CKI has the highest per member service hour average of any Kiwanis-family club. On campuses and communities across the globe, we touch lives and make a difference.

Our commitment.

An International Organization with a Global Impact

CKI is committed to changing the world through service. While our clubs work on a variety of service project in communities, we focus our work around four major areas: Homelessness and food insecurity; childhood development, mental health and environmental justice.

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The Tomorrow Fund.

Funding Service and Making a Difference

The Tomorrow Fund is an endowed fund for Circle K International held within the Kiwanis Children’s Fund. This fund, utilizing the interest earned, helps CKI clubs and districts serve the world through grants for service opportunities.

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Putting the fun back in fundraisers.

50 Fundraising ideas from SignUpGenius

Often, the most challenging part of fundraising is coming up with a creative idea that will motivate the troops. Since the best idea is often found in having a lot of them, you’ll be off to a great start with your next fundraiser with these 50 easy fundraising ideas.

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The 10 steps to a successful fundraising event

Fundraising events are a popular form of fundraising.  While they can be great money makers for an organization, they can also be time consuming and expensive.  The success of events depends on careful planning.  (Yes, you should have a written event plan for every event you hold!)

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Inspiration for service projects.

129 examples of community service projects

Are you interested in performing community service? Do you want examples of service projects you can do? Community service is a great way to help others and improve your community, and it can also help you gain skills and experience to include on your resume and college applications.

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Environmental service project resources

Want to help your local community and environment? Then donate your time to a community service project.

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